Behind the Scenes during the Making of a Movie
Documentary charting the production of the award-winning film The Red Rose,
a musical fantasy about a modern-day Alice in Wonderland.
The Red Rose Unzipped chronicles rising stars Jessie Talulah and Nicholas Anscombe as they go in front of the camera to film a magical tale of youthful whimsy and innocence.
Includes out-takes and much material which did not make it into the final cut of The Red Rose and additional bonus features specially created for The Red Rose Unzipped.
Written and Edited by IAN WOODWARD
Narrated by BETH MAYOH
Camera operators: Cristina Perez Sobrín, Rowena Woolford, Ian Woodward
Additional camera operators: Pete Aplin, Claire Mora, Sophie Green, Anika Mitchell-Murray, Ian Shippey, Jessie Talulah, Stefanie Woodward
An ENCORE film © Ian Woodward 2013
Running time: 58 min. Format: 16:9 PAL (16:9 NTSC also available)